Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Top 20 Internet Video Marketing Tips

Have you embraced the power of internet video marketing yet? The birth and proliferation of video sharing sites have opened doors to new perspectives for many. Nowadays more and more online marketers and companies are starting to see the advantages of promoting and advertising products and services with videos. Internet video marketing is indeed the future of online marketing and can constitute a trump card to whoever can master it. If you are looking for more efficient strategies to grow your business, you should definitely try the online video ad approach since it is an effective way to present your products and services better to a much larger audience.

20 video marketing tips to remember 

1. Upload videos that are relevant to your products/services
Your goal is to launch a successful marketing campaign using video ads. And since irrelevant videos are useless, the best way to do this is to find a target audience. In other words, you have to find a specific niche with a starving audience. This is a vital aspect of online video marketing. You have to figure out what exactly your viewers are looking for, focus on uploading relevant videos or video ads, and present whatever your audience is looking for in a way that appeals to them. It might take you some time mastering this, but it's worth the effort.

2. Optimize your metadata
Optimize your titles, description, and tags. For instance, one of the things that can help a video get more views and rank higher is a catchy, yet accurate title. You can also use the free Youtube keyword research tool for finding keyword ideas.

3. Focus on a specific topic
Videos you upload should be related and targeting a certain niche. This can help get a good amount of subscribers.

4. Chain-link your Youtube videos
You can use annotations to create networks of linked videos. For those who are not familiar with this, Youtube gives you the ability to create and display notes, spotlight, and links on the screen while a video is being played. One of the things I do, for example, is upload niche-targeted videos and link them to a single video that promotes particular products or services.

5. Promote your videos
There are simple things you can do to promote your videos. One of them, for example, is to use the button below the screen to share your videos (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, stumpleUpon, etc). However, if your marketing budget allows you, you can create video ads and promote them using Youtube and its video targeting tool.

6. Watermark Your Videos
Before uploading your videos, you might want to include some information such as your URL or logo containing your URL preferably on the lower left hand corner. This is good way to trigger the interest of your viewer to visit your site.

7. Link to Your Site
You can drive traffic to your site by including your link in the description area. Also, using the Youtube annotation interface, you can create and display notes telling your viewers where to click.

8. Organize your videos
It is also a good idea to organize your videos into sub-topic playlists or create numerous channels for different topics

9. Keep your videos short and entertaining
Make your videos as short as possible and straight to the point. Long videos are boring. So try be a little entertaining as well.

10. Automated Software and Bot
You can use automated software such as Tube Toolbox to speed up some tasks and automate your internet video marketing (send hundreds of friend requests, upload and download videos, send a message to multiple users at once, etc.). For video marketers, it is one of the best ways to improve performance and convert views into sales or leads.

11. Build your contact list
Send friend requests to users that might be interested in your topic. What you can do, for example, is find a popular channel that is similar to yours or that has related content and send friend requests to users who subscribed to that channel. In that way, you're building a contact list that you will later use to share your videos and advertise.

NoteTube Toolbox is a Youtube bot and friend adder that can help you build a list of targeted users.

12. Be consistent and active
Build a strategy and launch your marketing campaign according to certain marketing model principles. Upload videos on a regular basis, promote your channel, send friend requests, experiment etc.

13. Quality and quantity
Provide as many quality videos as possible.

14. Make changes and adopt new strategies or approaches according to your performance and progress
You can learn a lot by analyzing data that are available to you. For instance, Youtube Insight provides some useful information such as views (most viewed videos, most rated, etc), demographics (age ranges, genders, etc), discovery, etc.

15. Split-test your thumbnail
You should spend some time testing and choosing the right thumbnails for your videos.

16. Be informative
One of many things you can do, for example, is make tutorial videos since people are visual learners.

17. Comment on other videos and channels
The thing to remember when commenting on other videos and channels is to find the right combination of words that will lure viewers into visiting your channel. Don't just invite people to visit your channel. Instead, say something relevant to the video or channel, add something interesting, and then invite users to check out your videos.

18. Expand your marketing campaigns
Upload your videos to as many video sharing sites as possible (Metacafe, vimeo, Google Video, etc)

19. Upload response videos
Find popular videos within your niche and upload response videos.

20. Encourage people to subscribe to your channel, comment, share, rate and add your videos to their favorite lists

Note: The video marketing tips listed above are applicable to Youtube (the world's largest video sharing site and the second largest search engine on the web) and almost any other video sharing site.


The use of videos is an efficient way to promote websites, products, services, and reach potential costumers since people respond better with online video ads. So take advantage of this cheap, yet effective way to make money online.

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